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Psychiatry & Psychotherapy Podcast

May 20, 2022

In this episode of the podcast, we discuss the work of Karen Horney, M.D., titled, Neurosis and Human Growth: The Struggle Towards Self Realization. In the book, Horney discusses the concept of neurosis as it stands juxtaposed against what she deems healthy growth and human development. We will be discussing this...

May 10, 2022

PANS/PANDAS is the hypothesis that there are certain types of obsessive compulsive symptoms, tic symptoms or restrictive eating symptoms that are caused by an infection and the immune response to an infection. Kyle Williams, MD, PHD and Sarah O'Dor, PhD join the podcast to discuss their research and diagnoses...

May 6, 2022

In this episode of the podcast, we interview Dr. Herbert Harman, a psychiatrist who works as a practice line director for Vituity. We will be discussing “moral injury”, an emerging term defined as “perpetuating, failing to prevent, bearing witness to, or learning about acts that transgress deeply held moral...